This is short solution of task provided by Gynvael Coldwind on one of his online streams (here's a link ----> ) . We have to decrypt message: 1f9111 1799 0790001226d8 0a9e1e5c3ada 1f 099e195e 0a97075a21dac1 0a9710 199e075131d3 1199 12961350 The message is in english, XOR-ed by 160bit key. Every word is encrypted separately. My approach to that is simply to assume that the single letter in the message has to be either 'a' or 'i'. If one of them is correct then XORing first letter of each word with correct key value (obtained by xoring 0x1f with 'a' or 'i') should print out english letter. In this case letter 'a' worked brilliantly ;-) Next step was to assume that first word has to be "and". The rest is even easier. And here's the code to decrypt them all, and retrieve a key: #include <cstdio> #include <vector> int main() { int key[7] ...
You can download ELF here: ------------------------> link To get a flag in this one, easiest way I think is to bruteforce it! After quick look of executable in decompiler we can see that program outputs different strings every time we input a proper flag character to it. The best way to check that (knowing that flags in that CTF looks like "IceCTF{xxx}") is to input 'I' first, then "Ic", then "Ice", etc. The strings in ELF aren't obfuscated, so we can just count it to figure out number of characters in the flag. The only thing that has to be done now is bruteforcer itself. I wrote something like that: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <cstring> using namespace std; int main(void) { char *flag = new char[32]; char *path = new char[128]; char *buffer = new char[128]; char *buf2 = new char[128]; FILE *plik; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) for (char j = 0x21; j < 0x7f; j++) ...